Analyzer augmentations

All analyzers implemented in ExplainableAI.jl can be augmented by two types of augmentations: NoiseAugmentations and InterpolationAugmentations. These augmentations are wrappers around analyzers that modify the input before passing it to the analyzer.

We build on the basics shown in the Getting started section and start out by loading the same pre-trained LeNet5 model and MNIST input data:

using ExplainableAI
using VisionHeatmaps
using Zygote
using Flux

  Conv((5, 5), 1 => 6, relu),           # 156 parameters
  MaxPool((2, 2)),
  Conv((5, 5), 6 => 16, relu),          # 2_416 parameters
  MaxPool((2, 2)),
  Dense(256 => 120, relu),              # 30_840 parameters
  Dense(120 => 84, relu),               # 10_164 parameters
  Dense(84 => 10),                      # 850 parameters
)                   # Total: 10 arrays, 44_426 parameters, 174.344 KiB.
using MLDatasets
using ImageCore, ImageIO, ImageShow

index = 10
x, y = MNIST(Float32, :test)[10]
input = reshape(x, 28, 28, 1, :)

convert2image(MNIST, x)

Noise augmentation

The NoiseAugmentation wrapper computes explanations averaged over noisy inputs. Let's demonstrate this on the Gradient analyzer. First, we compute the heatmap of an explanation without augmentation:

analyzer = Gradient(model)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

Now we wrap the analyzer in a NoiseAugmentation with 10 samples of noise. By default, the noise is sampled from a Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

analyzer = NoiseAugmentation(Gradient(model), 50)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

Note that a higher sample size is desired, as it will lead to a smoother heatmap. However, this comes at the cost of a longer computation time.

We can also set the standard deviation of the Gaussian distribution:

analyzer = NoiseAugmentation(Gradient(model), 50, 0.1)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

When used with a Gradient analyzer, this is equivalent to SmoothGrad:

analyzer = SmoothGrad(model, 50)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

We can also use any distribution from Distributions.jl, for example Poisson noise with rate $\lambda=0.5$:

using Distributions

analyzer = NoiseAugmentation(Gradient(model), 50, Poisson(0.5))
heatmap(input, analyzer)

Is is also possible to define your own distributions or mixture distributions.

NoiseAugmentation can be combined with any analyzer type from the Julia-XAI ecosystem, for example LRP from RelevancePropagation.jl.

Integration augmentation

The InterpolationAugmentation wrapper computes explanations averaged over n steps of linear interpolation between the input and a reference input, which is set to zero(input) by default:

analyzer = InterpolationAugmentation(Gradient(model), 50)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

When used with a Gradient analyzer, this is equivalent to IntegratedGradients:

analyzer = IntegratedGradients(model, 50)
heatmap(input, analyzer)

To select a different reference input, pass it to the analyze function using the keyword argument input_ref. Note that this is an arbitrary example for the sake of demonstration.

matrix_of_ones = ones(Float32, size(input))

analyzer = InterpolationAugmentation(Gradient(model), 50)
expl = analyzer(input; input_ref=matrix_of_ones)

Once again, InterpolationAugmentation can be combined with any analyzer type from the Julia-XAI ecosystem, for example LRP from RelevancePropagation.jl.

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