
Documentation for TextHeatmaps.jl.


To install this package and its dependencies, open the Julia REPL and run

]add TextHeatmaps


heatmap(values::AbstractArray, words)

Create a heatmap of words where the background color of each word is determined by its corresponding value. Arguments values and words (and optionally colors) must have the same size.

Keyword arguments

  • colorscheme::Union{ColorScheme,Symbol}: color scheme from ColorSchemes.jl. Defaults to ColorSchemes.seismic.
  • rangescale::Symbol: selects how the color channel reduced heatmap is normalized before the color scheme is applied. Can be either :extrema or :centered. Defaults to :centered for use with the default color scheme seismic.
heatmap(expl::Explanation, text)

Visualize Explanation from XAIBase as text heatmap. Text should be a vector containing vectors of strings, one for each input in the batched explanation.

This will use the default heatmapping style for the given type of explanation. Defaults can be overridden via keyword arguments.
